Page name: The Ninja Clan! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-10-06 20:07:26
Last author: Pandora♥xcore
Owner: Pandora♥xcore
# of watchers: 7
Fans: 0
D20: 2
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Welcome to The Ninja Clan!



Hi all! Welcome to the humble world of the ninja clan! This is the wonderful home of Elfpack's ninjas. Please become a part of our kick ass ninja family!

The Ninja Clan's Members

The Ninja Clan's Ninjas Put you ninja selves here! ><


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2006-06-24 [My Sky's The Limit]: ill on my way...*walks away quickly*

2006-06-24 [Pandora♥xcore]: o.o

2006-06-24 [Dead Inside.]: I'm bored. Dance Monkey Dance!

2006-06-24 [My Sky's The Limit]: well *points to your convo* its your business and i dont wanna get into it ^^

2006-06-24 [Pandora♥xcore]: oh lol that was nothing *long story* i'm bored to...

2006-06-24 [My Sky's The Limit]: oh otays ^^ i am too *is obsessing over myspace page*

2006-06-24 [une histoire d'amour]: lol *doesnt care anymore because dave is pissing me off*

2006-06-24 [My Sky's The Limit]: whats wrong!?

2006-06-24 [une histoire d'amour]: nothing hes just being a little bitch. hes like I GOT SOMEONE PREGNANT! psht yeah right! idiot...

2006-06-24 [My Sky's The Limit]: -_______________________________--;;;;;;;;

2006-06-24 [une histoire d'amour]: sry >.> i hate that kid ><

2006-06-24 [My Sky's The Limit]: its fine that kids stupid

2006-06-24 [une histoire d'amour]: yeah he is -_- *sigh* why am i surrounded by idiots?! TT_TT

2006-06-24 [Pandora♥xcore]: but weren't you the one telling me how nice he was just yesterday.....

2006-06-24 [une histoire d'amour]: hes nice SOMETIMES, other times hes just an ashole..

2006-06-24 [Pandora♥xcore]: oh

2006-06-24 [une histoire d'amour]: yeah.. like one time he felt like being nice he was awsome.. then he decides to lie baout his life and BLEH! ><

2006-06-24 [Pandora♥xcore]: yea -_- *is still mad about the whole cybering and grabbing my chest thing* ><

2006-06-24 [My Sky's The Limit]: OO

2006-06-24 [une histoire d'amour]: *is still mad beacuse he still thinks hes strong enough to pick me up and hes bitching to me about it*

2006-06-24 [My Sky's The Limit]: -___- *is now mad at him because all o my friends are mad at himand its reason enough*

2006-06-24 [Pandora♥xcore]: lol

2006-06-24 [My Sky's The Limit]: lol wel i had to have a reason

2006-06-24 [Pandora♥xcore]: it's a good enough reson for me! lol *does the same thing*

2006-06-24 [My Sky's The Limit]: MUAHAHAAHAHAHA! XD i got no clue OO omg Becky!!!! Cammie is Captain Underwearless and im Nature Woman XD

2006-06-24 [Pandora♥xcore]: lol

2006-06-24 [My Sky's The Limit]: lol we got something that we did when we were younger and used it like i told her that i went barefoot most of my life and she called me nature woman and she said she went commando most of her life so i called her Captain Underwearless and im gonna draw this out too XD

2006-06-24 [Pandora♥xcore]: lol cool

2006-06-24 [My Sky's The Limit]: what about you becky? Oo

2006-06-24 [Pandora♥xcore]: huh?

2006-06-24 [My Sky's The Limit]: do you wanna be part of the band of weirdos? lol what did you do alotwhen you were younger

2006-06-24 [Pandora♥xcore]: I dunno i'm already Wilderness Kee lol

2006-06-24 [My Sky's The Limit]: wilderness kee XD

2006-06-24 [Pandora♥xcore]: yea long story

2006-06-24 [My Sky's The Limit]: lol XD well ill try to find a way to draw that XD

2006-06-24 [Pandora♥xcore]: lol yea, I think i'm gonna go now byebyes

2006-06-24 [My Sky's The Limit]: *waves* bhy bhy Becky

2006-06-24 [une histoire d'amour]: hello

2006-06-24 [My Sky's The Limit]: *glomp*

2006-06-24 [une histoire d'amour]: *glomps back*

2006-06-24 [My Sky's The Limit]: WEEEE ^-^

2006-06-24 [une histoire d'amour]: lol ^-^ XD

2006-06-24 [My Sky's The Limit]: so....we gonna make becky and roshi part of the band of weirdos...with captain underwearless and nature woman

2006-06-24 [une histoire d'amour]: lmao! yeah right?

2006-06-24 [My Sky's The Limit]: well we got wilderness kee nature woman and captain underwearless....

2006-06-24 [une histoire d'amour]: no its captain commando

2006-06-24 [My Sky's The Limit]: NU UH! captain underwearless is better GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! my sisters bf is trying to get my shitty achool picture up on his house TT.TT and im waiting to get a new ans better one 0(>.<)0

2006-06-25 [Dead Inside.]: I use to steal peoples riding lawn mower's and ride it down the street's naked.

2006-06-25 [Pandora♥xcore]: Hiya guys! >< ^^ *waves like a mother fucker*

2006-06-25 [une histoire d'amour]: AND I MISSED IT?! awww! TT_TT ... GOOD MORNING BECKY!!!!!! im so exited! *spazzes* heehee wait till you see the messages i left you on yahoo XD i kept getting the 'do not send more than one message per second' shit

2006-06-25 [Pandora♥xcore]: lmao! *looks*

2006-06-25 [Pandora♥xcore]: *shakes head* omg Cammies XD

2006-06-25 [une histoire d'amour]: *smiles with pride* isnt it beautiful?! *in tears of joy* TT_TT

2006-06-25 [Pandora♥xcore]: oh yea it's all 4ternergrfbfp13pr1fgr 13rtgbvfq 133bnfr !!! ><

2006-06-25 [une histoire d'amour]: heehee ^^ i got al lexited! XD omg i was playing video games till likt 3 oclock in the morning!

2006-06-25 [Pandora♥xcore]: *litterly goes* WOAH! HOLY SHIT!

2006-06-25 [une histoire d'amour]: what happened?

2006-06-25 [Pandora♥xcore]: you! playing games till that early! I was fast asleep and at 2:30 in the morning I hear wohoo!!!!!!!!!!!! and i'm like welefbc1p3pr3 >< *wakes up* huh?! *falls back asleep* then when I went potty I thought I saw Peachie and blinked a few time sand she was still there and i'm like PEACH! *glompage* and she just like -_-' merwooooowwwww *growl hiss* and i'm like -_-' THAT'S MA PEACH! ^^ *hugs*

2006-06-25 [une histoire d'amour]: LMAO!!!! XD that cat is ferocious! she attacked my butt! TT_TT i have battel scars!

2006-06-25 [My Sky's The Limit]: lmfao XD

2006-06-26 [une histoire d'amour]: *dances* numa numa numa numa ai!

2006-06-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: wow

2006-06-26 [une histoire d'amour]: what?

2006-06-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: OMFG! I AM SO FUCKIN PISSED OFF AT DAVE!


2006-06-26 [une histoire d'amour]: EW NO!!! youl lhave to dig through 5 inches of fat...

2006-06-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: o.O Dave has a fat penis?

2006-06-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: ew!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-06-27 [une histoire d'amour]: LMFAO!!! XD not what i meant!

2006-06-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: OMFG! He said all this shit about me and now he said it was his brother who did it and you mean to tell me that he didn't notice it for days? and he's the one who told me that he changed his profile, I can't believe it! He didn't erase it until I freaked out at him.

2006-06-28 [une histoire d'amour]: delete what?

2006-06-28 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: You should like, punch him and stuff.

2006-06-28 [une histoire d'amour]: MORE THAN PUNCH HIM!!! ILL SHOOT THE FUCKER! >< *growls angrilly*

2006-06-28 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: And then cut off his Dork acuz he doesnt Fluckin deserve one!!! ><

2006-06-28 [une histoire d'amour]: no let him keep it... i say rip out his heart he doesnt use it

2006-06-28 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: o.o Yeahhh-_-.

2006-06-28 [une histoire d'amour]: lol ^-^ were so evil!

2006-06-28 [My Sky's The Limit]: O.O

2006-06-28 [une histoire d'amour]: hi welcoem to the party

2006-06-28 [My Sky's The Limit]: wow i need to stop watching so many damn wikis

2006-06-28 [une histoire d'amour]: lol XD

2006-06-28 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: XD

2006-06-28 [My Sky's The Limit]: seriousley im watching 200 wikis and more

2006-06-28 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: o.o Why! ><

2006-06-28 [My Sky's The Limit]: *shrugs* because i got alot of wikis i rp in

2006-06-28 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: Ohh, ^_^.

2006-06-28 [My Sky's The Limit]: lol yeah i rp....alot << ....a little to much lol

2006-06-29 [une histoire d'amour]: heehee me too XD

2006-06-29 [My Sky's The Limit]: lol but its fun

2006-06-29 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: XD

2006-06-29 [My Sky's The Limit]: fjkldshjkdshgukfjhflkas im bout to rip someones head off

2006-06-29 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: *Holds head* >.<

2006-06-29 [My Sky's The Limit]: Oo sorry Roshi not you

2006-06-29 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: ^_^. Whats the matter?

2006-06-29 [My Sky's The Limit]: i told this guy one of my deepest secrets and he promised me he wouldnt he goes offand tells someone....

2006-06-29 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: >< I hate that!

2006-06-29 [My Sky's The Limit]: i knoow the stupoid bastard

2006-06-29 [une histoire d'amour]: *kicks him in the little balls i know he has*

2006-06-29 [My Sky's The Limit]: Oo cammie how do you know they're little

2006-06-29 [une histoire d'amour]: .> someone wiht a heart as small as his doent deserve a big package XD

2006-06-29 [My Sky's The Limit]: *dies laughing*

2006-06-29 [une histoire d'amour]: wow that totally rules out the 'good tihngs come in small pakages' thing

2006-06-29 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: LOL!!!

2006-06-29 [My Sky's The Limit]: lmfao XD guess it does

2006-06-30 [une histoire d'amour]: no i doest

2006-06-30 [My Sky's The Limit]: *confused*

2006-06-30 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: *confused too*

2006-06-30 [My Sky's The Limit]: lol EEEEEEP MY DOGS A PERV ><

2006-06-30 [une histoire d'amour]: i know oh too well! XD

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: lmfao

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: that sicko!

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: i still ♥ him tho

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: lol you lov ehim in a 'special' way

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: lmao yesh XP OO DUDE!!! can you call me?

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: im sorry im waiting for a call... >.>

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: otays ^__^

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: sorry TT_TT

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: it otays ^^

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: *huggles8

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: *glomp*

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: *glomps back*

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]:

cammie gary called me!!!! gjnskfdhgklsdhklfjhsd

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: WHAT?! OMG!!!!! LKJESLKFJLKJFLASKJFL! *s ohappy for you!* does he have a deep voice?

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: YES!@!!!!!!!! im so shaky i caqnt type straight

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: i can tell! ^^ damn i really want to talk to him now! ><

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: lmfaso XD it was soooo cute cammie here ill get on yahoo

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: okay ^^

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: jfsidhgfklsdhgfs

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: ,sjdflkasj;lfksjd;lfkj! ><

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: i cant stop giggling

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: lol you silly girl you! ^-^

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: i know ^^ *hgiggles*

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: *spazzes* GEEEE! ><

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: *spazzes too* >< HFKDHFJSKD\

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: lol i hope he calls again

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: I KNOW!!~! HKLGDSHKGFSOD

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: lol then youll have a heart attack! XD

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: i know i think im bout to

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: lol

2006-07-01 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: .> Gary? *squeals anyway* GEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! ^__^

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: *giggles* herro Roshi ^_^

2006-07-01 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: *giggles* Hi friend^_^.

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: oooh you dont know my name do you? *giggles* tis Cathy

2006-07-01 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: lol, Hi Cathy** XD

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: hola roshi ^^

2006-07-01 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: How are you! =D

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: been better -__- you? *tiltsh ead*

2006-07-01 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: Fantastic! >< o.o sumsing wrong? Do i have to kick anybody's ninja-fate ass? ><

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: that would be nice ><\,,/ but thats not whats wrong at this grandfathers 1 year is coming up in exactly 2 months and its getting me down

2006-07-01 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: oh, im sorry v_v *huggles*

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: *hugs back* its fine...but anyways

2006-07-01 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: I have ice cream ^__^

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: i do too rock on! ><\,,/

2006-07-01 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: Yeah! ><U

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: lmao i like that one its cute =3

2006-07-01 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: lol, i think the =3 is cute

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: ^^ gracias

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: DE NADA CHICA! ^-^

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: *giggles*

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: how are you this morning?

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: good my dog collars killing me

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: heehee im good

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: man i tired TT.TT

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: aww *gives you a blanket and pillow*

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: nuu i need to stay up...garebears coming on soon...hopefully

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: lol okay... then here! *gives you a cup of [insert caffeinated drink here]*

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: nah caffeine makes me sleepy

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: thats creepy 0.o

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: i know XD

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: wait.. not creepy just weird...

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: lol im a weird person so its perfect

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: and thats why your a perfect disaster ^-^

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: damn str8

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: damn gay! ^-^

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: damn gay? Oo

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: you said damn straight so i said damn gay

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: ooooh XD

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: lol youre slow today

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: i know shut up cammie XD"

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: make me! ^^

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: *puts tape over her mouth*

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: TT_TT (well at least you ddnt take my mouth away again XD)

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: (XD again) muahahaha

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: *eats the tape* ^-^

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: oO

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: ^-^ nummy!

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: *zips her mouth shut*

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: TT_TT

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: muahahaha *puts a lock on it*

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: *shakes hips seductively* (cmon cathy you know you want to! unlock me!)

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: OO *blushes and turns back to her*

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: *keeps dancing* (come one cathy! i know you want to unzip em! NOT YOUR PANTS THOUGH! ><)

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: *has back turned to her*

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: *kicks her butt* (GIVE ME BACK MY FREEDOM OF SPEACH!)

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: OWWIE!!! TT.TT

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: *mummbles a sorry*

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: it toays *rubs bum*

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: here! have preparation H! makes your booty all better!

2006-07-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: aww otays ^-^

2006-07-01 [une histoire d'amour]: lol but im not putting it on for you XD

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